Many people are working with computers these days and eye strain has become a major work related complaint. Fatigue, headaches, red or twitching eyes lead to increased errors and reduced productivity.
Many workers take only two 15-minute breaks from their computer throughout the work day. According to a recent NIOSH* study, discomfort and eye strain were significantly reduced when computer workers took four additional five-minute "mini-breaks" throughout their work day.
Data entry speed was significantly faster and work output was maintained even though the workers had 20 mins of extra break time during the day.
*National Institute of Occupational Safety and Health
Here are a few helpful tips for reducing work related eye strain:
#1) “20-20 Rule”
Every 20 minutes, look a minimum of 20ft away from the computer, for 20 seconds.
This relaxes the muscles deep within the eyes that are used for close focusing.
#2) Exercise the eyes
Circle eyes in one direction 10 times, and then reverse. Lightly press the heels of your hands on the eye. Place a tissue on the eyes first if you are wearing eye makeup.
This improves blood circulation.
#3 ) Relax
Turn away from the computer or change your location. Release tension by rolling the shoulders a few times in one direction then the other. Turn the head gently from side to side. Tuck the chin downward toward the collar bones and release 3 - 4 times.
For 4 minutes sit back and gaze into the distance across the room or out the window, this relaxes the focusing muscles of the eyes. Be conscious of breathing deeply in a relaxed manner while gazing, then close the eyes while releasing tension in the face, neck and shoulders for 1 minute
This increases oxygenated blood flow into the eyes and brain, while relaxing the mind which will improve work performance.
#4 )Eye drops
Keep good moisturizing eye drops handy and make a habit of using them during your breaks.
Print this page and keep it by your desk as a reminder!
Brenda E. Bell 2015
Brenda E. Bell 2015
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