Do you want
to experience renewed energy and health, lose or maintain lost weight, reduce
stress and sleep better? Would you like to boost your immune system before another cold winter and seasonal viruses arrive?
Well you can do all this if you make a commitment
to yourself right now.
Start now with simple and gradual changes that will
slowly develop your self discipline and willpower, keep you more relaxed and increase your vibrancy.
You'll be able to develop mental clarity, make better decisions and become less agitated when challenged.
You'll be able to develop mental clarity, make better decisions and become less agitated when challenged.
If you can follow the
recommended lifestyle routine outlined below you will be amazed how much better
you will feel in a short time.
For some healthy people the following routine may
not seem like such an effort, but for those who are stressed and unhealthy it
can sound very challenging.
Make one change at a time so you don't feel overwhelmed. Give yourself a month or so to incorporate all the suggested tips.
It may inspire you to eat and drink differently and
inquire about other health enhancing options that are available to us these
If your budget or company benefits allow, you could consult a wellness coach, naturopath doctor or therapist for more
detailed personal changes and options.
Remember to smile every day, avoid
negative people and find social groups that will support the changes you are
It's your life! No one else is living it and no one else can make these changes for you.
Take control, become self empowered now!
It's your life! No one else is living it and no one else can make these changes for you.
Take control, become self empowered now!
Healthy Lifestyle Routine Tips
Wake up 30-40 minutes earlier than usual
· Drink 16 oz of room temperature water with lemon juice
· Meditate or do mindful breathing for 15 -20 minutes
· Read a short inspirational phrase, paragraph or recite positive
Prepare for the day without stress and eat a nourishing breakfast
· During the day if you become stressed, sit still and quietly focused on
breathing for a few minutes. Remember your positive affirmations
Exercise daily even if it’s just a 30 minute walk outdoors and simple
stretches to alleviate tension
Have low calorie, fibre rich nutritious meals of moderate portions at
regular times and healthy snacks
Take Vitamin C and D daily
Minimize caffeine and alcohol consumption ( none 4 hours before sleeping)
Avoid cane sugar , fried and refined foods
Drink water and clear herbal teas, avoid drinking fluids 1-2 hrs before
Indulge in healthy humour
Go to bed 30 - 40 minutes earlier than usual

Reaching optimal health and wellness is my passion; it cannot be overstated or exaggerated. Focusing on lifestyle behaviours and healthy habits help to prevent illness or disability and will enable you to achieve full physical and mental potential. I’d like to inspire you to be your personal best, living a life with purpose and joy.
Brenda E. Bell
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