Friday, 31 July 2015

Wellness Coaching for Self Empowerment

    Do you want to experience renewed energy and health, lose or maintain lost weight, reduce stress and sleep better? Would you like to boost your immune system before another cold winter and seasonal viruses arrive?

Well you can do all this if you make a commitment to yourself right now.

   Start now with simple and gradual changes that will slowly develop your self discipline and willpower, keep you more relaxed and increase your vibrancy.
You'll be able to develop mental clarity, make better decisions and become less agitated when challenged.

 If you can follow the recommended lifestyle routine outlined below you will be amazed how much better you will feel in a short time.

For some healthy people the following routine may not seem like such an effort, but for those who are stressed and unhealthy it can sound very challenging.

   Make one change at a time so you don't feel overwhelmed. Give yourself a month or so to incorporate all the suggested tips.
It may inspire you to eat and drink differently and inquire about other health enhancing options that are available to us these days.

 If your budget or company benefits allow, you could consult a wellness coach, naturopath doctor or therapist for more detailed personal changes and options.

 Remember to smile every day, avoid negative people and find social groups that will support the changes you are adopting.

It's your life! No one else is living it and no one else can make these changes for you.
Take control, become self empowered now!

Healthy Lifestyle Routine Tips

  Wake up 30-40 minutes earlier than usual

·       Drink 16 oz of room temperature water with lemon juice

·        Meditate or do mindful breathing for 15 -20 minutes

·       Read a short inspirational phrase, paragraph or recite positive affirmations

·        Prepare for the day without stress and eat a nourishing breakfast

·       During the day if you become stressed, sit still and quietly focused on breathing for a few minutes. Remember your positive affirmations

·        Exercise daily even if it’s just a 30 minute walk outdoors and simple stretches to alleviate tension

·        Have low calorie, fibre rich nutritious meals of moderate portions at regular times and healthy snacks

·        Take Vitamin C and D daily

·        Minimize caffeine and alcohol consumption ( none 4 hours before sleeping)

·        Avoid cane sugar , fried and refined foods

·        Drink water and clear herbal teas, avoid drinking fluids 1-2 hrs before sleep

·        Indulge in healthy humour

·        Go to bed 30 - 40 minutes earlier than usual

Reaching optimal health and wellness is my passion; it cannot be overstated or exaggerated. Focusing on lifestyle behaviours and healthy habits help to prevent illness or disability and will enable you to achieve full physical and mental potential. I’
d like to inspire you to be your personal best, living a life with purpose and joy.

Brenda E. Bell

Wednesday, 22 July 2015


    I hear so many people saying that they would love to learn to meditate but they don't know how to begin or how to sit still for more than two minutes.

Ok so here you go, give me two minutes of your time.

  I believe in keeping things simple and from all my learnings I have found that the simple things can be the most powerful and effective because they allow for concentrated focus. Starting with small realistic efforts can lead us gradually towards positive life changes as we become ready for them.
Even if you never graduate to a 20 -30 min  daily meditation, doing this short "Two Minute Meditation" regularly is one of the best gifts you can give to yourself.
Try it for TWO WEEKS and see for yourself how it affects your personal well being.
You can do this in your office or anywhere providing there are no loud and obvious distractions. Nature settings are glorious!


Have some sort of timer alert beside you so you don't have to think about time. Set it for two minutes, but don't start it yet.

Sit where you are, close your eyes and bring your awareness to your body.
Mentally scan your body for tension and consciously release it with exhalations.

Having relaxed your body, feel the gentle flow of your natural breath, smoothly, slowly without control.

As you observe exhalation to the end, immediately prepare your mind that, without a gap, the awareness of the inhalation will begin.
Observe the completion of inhalation then, prepare your mind to begin the awareness of the exhalation, without a gap. Observing not controlling the totality of each breath

Resolve in your mind that for the next two minutes to simply let go of extraneous thoughts while focusing on your breath. 

Make the resolve and begin now. Start the timer.

After two minutes without breaking the flow and awareness, of relaxed natural breath, gently open your eyes. Feel gratitude for this moment of peace.

Resolve in your mind to enter this state any time during the day when there is a minute or two available. You will learn to pacify the senses and calm the disturbances of the mind. Eventually you won't need the timer and you may find that two minutes will start growing into more without effort.

Simple and regular meditation develops self awareness, mental focus, emotional stability, lowers blood pressure, anxiety, manages depression and promotes deep sleep, allowing one to live a life with more clarity and joy.

Copyright Brenda Bell Wellness

Monday, 20 July 2015

Food For Thought


Image result for walnut halves imagesDid you ever notice that walnuts look like little brains?  
 I often think they look that way to remind us of their natural brain enhancing qualities. Walnuts when eaten raw contain abundant amounts of omega 3 fatty acids which can help to prevent depression and cognitive degeneration. Walnuts also raise melatonin levels which promotes sleep. So if you suffer from insomnia you might think about adding raw walnuts to your diet.
Your heart can benefit from the polyunsaturated fats and polyphenols, and they make a great lean protein snack.
Be sure that you don't have too much of a good thing, limit your intake to 3 walnuts per day. (6 halves) That’s all you need. 

Six halves

You can take them to work, put them in vegetable or fruit salads, crumble into your heart healthy oatmeal, and they taste great with maple syrup and plain yogurt for a healthy dessert!
Walnuts should be eaten raw for their health benefits; once they are heated the fats become saturated. You need to keep them stored in the refrigerator to maintain freshness and avoid becoming rancid.  Make sure that you are purchasing fresh walnuts they should not have a bitter taste. Rancid walnuts are poisonous and can make us sick. Avoid buying walnut pieces sold in plastic bags at the grocery store in the bakery section.  These are sure to be old. The best place to purchase good quality walnuts halves are from a reputable health shop.

Saturday, 18 July 2015

Tips for relieving eye strain at work

 Many people are working with computers these days and eye strain has become a major work related complaint.  Fatigue, headaches, red or twitching eyes lead to increased errors and reduced productivity.
Many workers take only two 15-minute breaks from their computer throughout the work day. According to a recent NIOSH* study, discomfort and eye strain were significantly reduced when computer workers took four additional five-minute "mini-breaks" throughout their work day.
Data entry speed was significantly faster and work output was maintained even though the workers had 20 mins of extra break time during the day.

*National Institute of Occupational Safety and Health

Here are a few helpful tips for reducing work related eye strain:

 #1) “20-20 Rule”
Every 20 minutes, look a minimum of 20ft away from the computer, for 20 seconds.
This relaxes the muscles deep within the eyes that are used for close focusing. 
#2) Exercise the eyes
Circle eyes in one direction 10 times, and then reverse.  Lightly press the heels of your hands on the eye. Place a tissue on the eyes first if you are wearing eye makeup.
This improves blood circulation.
#3 ) Relax 
Turn away from the computer or change your location. Release tension by rolling the shoulders a few times in one direction then the other.  Turn the head gently from side to side. Tuck the chin downward toward the collar bones  and release 3 - 4 times.
 For 4 minutes sit back and gaze into the distance across the room or out the window, this relaxes the focusing muscles of the eyes.  Be conscious of breathing deeply in a relaxed manner while gazing, then close the eyes while releasing tension in the face, neck and shoulders  for 1 minute 
This increases oxygenated blood flow into the eyes and brain, while relaxing the mind which will improve work performance.
#4 )Eye drops
 Keep good moisturizing eye drops handy and make a habit of using them during your breaks.

 Print this page and keep it by your desk as a reminder!  

Brenda E. Bell  2015

Thursday, 16 July 2015

HATHA YOGA- Preventing injuries in the Shoulders and Wrists

 According to studies done by the International Association of Yoga Therapists ,  Downward dog pose, Push up pose, Crow pose, Side plank pose and all poses that require bearing weight on the arms and hands have been linked to injuries of the shoulders, wrists or hands.
Many students try to achieve the full pose without the proper technical instruction or strength required to do so safely.
It is important that students inform their yoga teacher of any pre-existing injuries or issues such as carpal tunnel syndrome, arthritis, rotator cuff tears or tendonitis in the elbows.
In a group class an experienced teacher will address the varying degree of ability in each student and offer modifications that will provide a safe practice for all, including alternatives for flowing sequences such as Sun salutation.
 Remember a class is a place to learn, you have paid money to be there so take the knowledge and use it in your personal practice to improve your condition and not aggravate it. If your condition is worsening after informing the teacher then have them reassess their suggested pose modifications and your performance. If you are still not satisfied then I suggest you find another teacher with better teaching skills or perhaps the pose you desire to perform is not right for your body. Remember not all yoga poses are suited for all bodies, that is why there are hundreds of yoga poses.
The following actions in these upper body weight bearing poses will reduce the chance of injury:
 First: Check your hand placement; spread the fingers pressing down evenly through all parts of the hands paying special attention to the index finger and thumb side of the hands avoiding passive weight bearing on the wrists.
Next: Stabilize the arms by contracting all arm muscles and energetically pulling them up and away from the floor.  Move the upper arms towards the back of the body using the shoulder blade muscles to position the humeral head (the front of the shoulder joint) towards the back.  Revolve the biceps muscles forward, having a sense of turning the upper arms laterally. Keep the chests broad, lifting the breast bone and find strength in the torso muscles to help lift the weight off the hands.
These movements may be initially practiced placing the hands against the wall or with the knees on the floor to reduce weight bearing while technique and strength develop.
If these techniques are not working for you then you may require some personal instruction involving the use of props.  It is worth spending a few dollars more for a private lesson to find a way that works for you.  You can then take this into the group class feeling confident that you are healing your body and not adding to further injury.

Brenda Bell CYT, has 30years of teaching experience and is a member of International Association for Yoga Therapists, offering workshops, group and private lessons in Toronto.

Wednesday, 1 July 2015

Yoga as therapy

 Are you suffering from chronic pain due to work related postural habits, previous injuries,heart disease or aging processes from a sedentary lifestyle?

Would you like to live a pain free life and take responsibility for your personal well being?

With the help of an experienced yoga therapist, living a pain free life is possible. Everyone at any age can start yoga.
 No one  with health issues should  attempt to start practicing yoga alone until they  have been properly assessed by an experienced  teacher.
  Not all yoga postures or breathing exercises are suitable for all bodies or ailments, therefore an experienced yoga therapist can develop a daily practice suited to each clients personal needs.  
   Yoga is a scientific practice which can be adjusted accordingly as one’s condition changes and improves.
  While some encouragement is needed from the teacher to help the student develop self discipline as they are establishing a daily practice, the payoff is well worth the effort.
Not only will one be able to move through life with limited pain, there will also be a sense of achievement, mental clarity, focus and happiness. 
An increased sense of self confidence develops because one learns to listen to warning signals and knows how to cope with them by avoiding or modifying actions or behaviour, then at their convenience practicing the remedial yoga postures and breathing.
In the beginning working with a yoga therapists is done in private sessions,but over time some students feel confident to start taking group classes with an increased awareness of  what works for them personally and therefore avoiding injury or flare ups. Speaking with the instructor making them aware of one's situation is a wise action before attempting group classes. Experienced and conscientious teachers will respect each students needs and give them alternative or modified postures if needed.

 I have had great success with many of my clients throughout my years of teaching, this is why I can express my confidence in the healing power of yoga.
If there is a will, there is a way.

I am a Yoga  Teacher and Yoga Therapist  working in the Greater Toronto Area. I am a member of International Association for Yoga Therapists.

If you don’t know how to find a good yoga therapist in your area you can go to the International Association of Yoga Therapists website