What does it mean to be well? Do you ever think about that?
Do you ever wonder how well you could be? Do you even want to be well?
Perhaps you are already the healthiest person you know!
The World Health Organization's definition of wellness:
"Wellness is state of complete physical, mental and social well being and not merely the absence of disease or infirmity"
What I get from this, is that wellness is to have balance in different areas of what it means to be a human being.
"Everything in moderation" is what we have commonly heard, and I think that is a good start for most people.
As individuals we need to assess our present situation concerning our health and our life in general and make realistic goals.
Most people think they have one major issue that is keeping them from being balanced and healthy, but if they examine closely they will find that there are many other minor disturbances that are contributing to imbalance.
Please remember that appearances can be deceiving, but a big honest smile and sparkling eyes are not!
I want to encourage you to believe that you can be healthy and happy and that there are many ways in which you can take control and feel empowered without having to spend a lot of money.
We need to first ask "Do I really want to be healthy?" Then - "Am I ready to make a commitment to myself?"
If the answers are yes, then I suggest a simple exercise for starting to make positive changes towards living a more balanced life which may lead you towards better health and happiness.
Sit down with a notebook and make some observations and start writing down what you see.
Most importantly be honest with yourself. Write your list of observations on the left page of the notebook and keep the right page blank. Use a darker shade of ink pen for the left page.
Ask yourself "What is keeping me from feeling healthy and happy?"
What is the major issue? Illness? Weight? Smoking? Relationships? Physical handicaps? Laziness? Depression? Addictions? Lack of motivation? Low self esteem? Personal appearance?
Perhaps something else not listed here.
Then make a list of the minor issues, which could be some of the above, but more importantly I want you to
examine your lifestyle.
Food: What do you eat? Do you eat 3 balanced meals? and snacks? What do they consist of?
Drink: What do you drink? Coffee, tea, juice, soda pop, water, alcohol? How much do you drink? When?
Medications and supplements: Do you take medications or supplements, make a list.
Exercise: Do you exercise? What type and how often. This can include walking, dancing, sex, your work, a fitness regime, any type of regular physical movement. Or perhaps none?
Sleep: How much sleep do you get? How well do you sleep? What type of bed do you sleep on?
Footwear: Examine your footwear, what do you wear on your feet most of your work day?
Clothing: Examine your clothing, is it comfortable? or does it dig into any part of your body? Do you dress appropriately for the seasons?
Do you dress the way you want to dress? Be realistic here, I'd love to wear D&G dresses all the time! But I'm asking about colour and a style that expresses who you are and how you wish to be seen.
For example some people with low self esteem would like to be wearing clothing that is brighter and more fitted but they stick to the dull baggy stuff that feels safe. Some people just wear black all the time, is that you?
Social life: Do you have one? Do you want one? What do you do to socialize?
Family: What is happening with your family life?
Stress: what is happening in your life that makes you feel stressed? Are you currently doing anything about it?
Mentality: How do you feel when you wake up in the morning? Are you over critical? do you worry a lot?
Do you consider yourself to be a happy person?
Love: Do you feel loved? Do you feel appreciated?
Now go back to the top of your list and focus on the right page, opposite your observations.
Using a different colour ink pen ( I suggest pink, purple, orange, turquoise) write
Desired changes:
Under this heading you will go through all the items on your
Observation list and write down how you would like those answers to appear and how you could make the necessary changes.
Don't feel stumped if you don't feel a change is necessary, or if you don't know how you would make the change. Just leave it blank.
From the
Observation list pick one thing that you feel that would be the easiest thing to change right away, make a commitment to it for 2 weeks. It could be something simple like drinking more water or walking for 30 mins a day. Make a commitment for 2 weeks.
On another page you will write the following affirmation and in a separate note book you will write it three times everyday :
" I deserve to be healthy and happy. I am making conscious choices towards positive changes. I will succeed."
The best time to write or recite affirmations is just before you sleep so that it gets embedded into the subconscious mind. You can also start your day with it, you can recite it mentally during the day if you are feeling tempted, weak or overwhelmed.
After 2 weeks date and write down in your notebook on an empty page any positive changes you have experienced and how you feel about it.
Look at your
Observation notes and pick another single thing that you could do easily, such as getting to bed an hour earlier. Add this to your previous commitment for another two weeks. Continue the affirmation writing.
Then after that two weeks you take on something else. If you eventually come to some thing which requires assistance then please look for what is within your means and be realistic with your desired goals. There are many self help books and videos available if you can't afford a coach or therapist.
Can you see that I am trying to encourage you to develop habits, good habits one small step at a time?
One conscious choice at a time. Don't take on the big stuff until you have achieved control over the small things. This is a very important step towards self empowerment. Start reading books, magazines or researching on the internet for information related to your desired and much needed changes. This could be activities, support groups,diets, recipes, fashion magazines for ideas regarding clothing and makeup, articles related to psychology and mental health. Remember you are not alone and there is a lot of information available if you look for it.
If you have extended health plans through work, then use them! Have massages that will relax and detoxify, do you need orthotics for you shoes?( Having comfortable feet can relieve back pain and improve your mood.) What does your benefit plan cover? What are you needs, go back to your list and see what you have not been taking advantage of which may help you achieve your goals.
We are all unique individuals with different needs, physical and personality types it is important to understand that there is no "one" way that works for everyone.
There are many different alternative therapies, diets and fitness regimes designed to promote balance and suit different needs..
Have an open mind, go on an adventure and try what attracts you. Many studios offer free trial classes, take advantage of that, bring a friend if you are shy. It may take some time but you will eventually find the combination of activities that works for you.
If you eventually try this simple program and if it has helped you in some small way, I would love to hear back from you!
Your wellness is my business!
Brenda Bell
Copyright Brenda Bell Wellness 2014 - All rights reserved