Thursday, 16 October 2014

Positive Effects Of Netti Nasal Washing

    These days we hear a lot about Netti Nasal cleansing for sinus health. What is Netti?
 Jala Netti is an ancient Indian method of washing and clearing  the sinuses of dirt, mucous and airborne viruses. It is inexpensive and easy to learn.
This is a great time of year to start the good habit of netti because most of the cold viruses that we pick up during late fall to spring are airborne. Experts say that the airborne virus sticks to the mucous lining of the sinus and can take nine hours to proliferate, so if we get them out on time we can lessen our chances of catching a cold and all the nasty symptoms associated with it. If you take public transit every day, work with kids, in a busy office or retail then you should do your netti nasal wash as soon as you get home.
Netti is also a good way to clear the sinuses of pollen during spring and summer therefore reducing allergy symptoms as well as headaches.
If you are frequently suffering from sinusitis then you would be smart to start practising netti daily in order to gain long term relief.

Here is how it works;
Purchase a netti pot at your local health shop, they cost any where from $10.00- $15.00, and some good quality sea salt. NOT the pink Himalayan, as it has too much sediment in it, and not table salt because it contains added iodine and chemicals to keep the salt from clumping.

In the evening before bed pour 2 cups of boiling water over 4 good pinches of sea salt into a glass container.

Next morning you can use it at room temperature or reheat your water to lukewarm  by adding a touch of boiling water or put it in the microwave for a few seconds. It should feel warm to the the touch but not hot.
 You can use distilled water as well, heating it up enough to dissolve the salt and then letting it cool.
Or dissolving the salt in a small amount of boiling water and then adding this to 2 cups of distilled water.

 Go to the sink and pour half the water into your netti pot and hold the nozzle at the flare of the right nostril and tilt your head to the left keeping the mouth open for breathing while the water enters through the right nostril and drains out the left. Then gently blow your nose and repeat this process on the left side. Blow your nose gently so not to damage the ear drums.

If your sinuses are blocked, try running a bit of water in both sides, stand up and lightly tap both sides of your sinus area with your fingers for 20 seconds and then do something else for 15-30 mins before trying again.

Occasional use use of hot tap water (to dissolve the salt, then add a bit of cold to reduce the temperature) if you are in a rush or travelling, is acceptable, but  frequent use of tap water will irritate and dry out the sensitive mucous lining of the sinuses due to the chlorine.
Keep your netti pot clean to prevent bacteria from growing in it.

Do not do netti less than 3 hours before bedtime because it takes at least that long for the water to completely drain out of the sinuses before lying down for the night, otherwise water could travel into the Eustachian tubes of the ear and cause problems. This is why it is preferable to do netti in the morning.

Netti is easy to do and it is safe if you follow these guidelines. You'll soon get used to making it part of your personal hygiene routine, enjoying the clean feeling and better health.

If you have any questions about netti  or wish to have a private instructional session please contact me and I'll be happy to assist you.

Written by
Brenda Bell
"Your wellness is my business"

Wednesday, 17 September 2014

Cranberry Cures

Did you know that cranberries contain powerful antioxidants and flavinoids that can support heart health, prevent cancer, gum disease and tooth decay?

Drinking just two glasses of cranberry juice a day can help reduce harmful cholesterol.
Cranberries are well known for their ability to prevent urinary tract infections.  They contain a compound that prevents the harmful bacteria from sticking to the walls of the urinary tract thus flushing them out and not allowing them to multiply.

For the same reason cranberries can be helpful for reducing stomach ulcers, because this same compound sticks to the stomach lining allowing the bacteria to pass through to the intestines.

One glass of cranberry juice is said to equal the same amount of antioxidant properties of two cups of green tea.

I like to keep frozen cranberries in my freezer and add them to my shakes, or stew them lightly with honey to make delicious compote to be used as a topping for oatmeal; yogurt and deserts or you can substitute it for jam.

Cranberries are very tart, commercial cranberry juices tend to have very high sugar content.  Try using natural unsweetened cranberry juice mixed with sparkling water and a small amount of your choice of natural sweetener.  Agave, honey, maple syrup all mix easily with cold fluids and  make for a refreshing and nutritious  drink that even your kids will love.

Please remember if you are using your cranberries to help reduce an infection; bacteria grows well in sugar, so for optimum results it is best to use unsweetened juice or dried encapsulated cranberry. Both can be found in your local health shop.
Cranberries are recommended by the Heart and Stroke Foundation, see their website for recipes

Friday, 29 August 2014

Get rid of dry skin now

      Fall is setting in and that means less humidity in the air, which can leave your skin feeling dryer than it has been in the past few months. That isn't the only thing that is going to contribute to dry skin, as the weather gets colder there is central heating, hotter chlorinated water for showers, and then soap. If you are the average person that purchases your toiletries from the local pharmacy or grocery store then you are unknowingly stripping your skin of all its natural oils with harsh detergents and then if you use commercial body lotion you are apply a layer of petroleum with harsh fragrances. You may feel squeaky clean and smell good but you are destroying your skin and are most likely feeling dry and itchy halfway through the day.

  Many of the commercial products advertise using natural oils and vitamins but these are at an extreme minimum.  I was taught in college that mineral oil which is a petroleum product, leaves a barrier over the skin which does help to prevent moisture loss, but that same barrier prevents any nutrients from getting into the skin so you may as well just use plain old Baby oil or Vaseline. If that works for you then great! But you'll be sticky and mess up your clothes. So companies use all types of chemicals to prevent that from happening, and then add synthetic fragrance which can give many people dry skin or even worse, headaches and allergies.

  There are so many products on the market now sold in natural health shops that do not use all these harmful ingredients, but instead use natural plant based oils and vitamins that will not only moisturise your skin but nourish it. They are scented or unscented. And just like your typical commercial brands they also come in a wide range of prices according to quality and ingredients. So you really don't have to spend a lot if you don't want to.

  Here are some things that I do, I have a couple of favourite body lotions that I use all year round. In the summer I can use them as they are from the bottle, but come fall into winter I add a tablespoon or so of cold pressed castor oil or grape-seed oil into the bottle and give it a good shake.  Some women I know like to use other natural oils, but I find the ones I suggested don't have a heavy smell or feel.

  The same goes for natural body wash, you'll have to read the ingredients. There are many on the market made with healthy plant based oils such as Green Beaver or Dr. Bronner's Castille soap.
If you really want to avoid dry skin as you get older then only use the soap on your parts that really need soap and use a rough scrubby like a plastic or natural loofah of some sort on the rest of your body. You can use lower priced hair conditioner from the health shop to shave your legs, which also leaves skin soft.  I also use a sugar scrub that I make myself with grape-seed oil, this leave my skin feeling super soft.  When I have time I take baths with a bit of coconut oil and essential oil for stress release, this is really relaxing and leaves my skin feeling moist especially if I give it a good scrub while in the bath, then use the body lotion after I get out. Many people don't take baths because they say they don't have time, but seriously you only need to have 10 mins in that bath to end up feeling great for having done it.

The other thing you can do to keep your skin moist is to limit your alcohol and coffee consumption and drink more water. Drink a glass of water for every alcoholic drink or coffee you have. Drink water throughout the day or herbal tea.
You can also try ingesting Flax seed or coconut oil at least one tablespoon a day, there are so many ways to get these into you. Then there is Borage oil, it comes in capsules, this is known to create soft healthy skin.

  These are just a few ways that you can enjoy healthy soft skin at different times of the year and in life. As we age we need to put a bit more effort into this so it becomes a habit. But starting with avoiding commercial products is a very good step forward.
Send me an email if you need some help with any of this, I'd be happy to hear from you.

Your wellness is my business.
Brenda Bell

Monday, 18 August 2014


Have you heard  "You are what you eat"? Let's change that to "Your body is what you eat and drink".
What you "Are" is a combination of what you think you are and what you are not.
 I understand that to some people I may have a strange way of thinking, because I often think of my body like a little universe, all the tiny individual cells of each organ, muscle, gland etc.,  a microcosm within a macrocosm. Each small cell has an intelligence and is programmed to perform a function. All these cells working together for the common good of our individual health. Like tiny employees working for one big company with many different departments!
Our cells are made of the elements that we ingest, and the air we breathe. These elements are the same particles that make up the whole cosmos.
The way we think creates vibrations at the cellular level and can affect their ability to function. I look at this like the weather. We have sunny clear days and cloudy or stormy days. Then there are disastrous hurricanes and tsunamis.
A simple analogy; when we are feeling love or happy we are generally relaxed mentally,emotionally and physically the the nervous system is calm, heart rate and digestion are good. Relaxation creates enough space between individual cells to receive energy and function at ease.
 If we become angry or worried our nervous system becomes agitated the heart rate goes up, the stomach tenses, digestion becomes poor, muscles tense all over the body.  The tension limits the space between the cells often compressing the cells reducing their ability receive energy to function. Within these two simple examples there are many more profound chain reactions that occur within the cellular level.
 When I observe my physical body this way it effects my entire awareness and I start to understand that I am in more control of my personal health than I initially realized. I have more compassion for my cells and what they need in order to work harmoniously. If I look at them like employees then I want them to be happy so that my company is going to do well. I take more interest in what their needs are by listening to their alerts and signals when something isn't working as it should be.
If I am thinking this way about my own individual body & mind then I can't help but think about the bigger picture, the people around me and the world and universe we live in. It's a chain reaction. Do you have a similar view? Did I give you something to think about?
Yours in health and happiness

Sunday, 10 August 2014

Who else wants to "Moonbathe"

It's a super duper "Super Moon" tonight!
This is a great night for moon bathing. Join me in a new experience. Take a blanket and lay on the grass, alone or with a loved one.
 Ground out EMF's (Electromagnetic frequency) dirty electricity, let go of negative thoughts, feelings and emotions.
Invite love and peace into your life, relationships and for all beings of our blessed earth.
Repeat positive affirmations for new beginnings, projects, business, relationships and world peace.
Make sure you're ready for bed first, so that you can come inside and crawl under the covers and sleep with all this wonderful Yin energy drawing you into sweet dreams and a peaceful sleep.
Don't knock it until you've tried it!
Hey you just might see a shooting star, make a wish! There are meteor showers happening these days as well.  Don't worry if you miss this Super Moon, you can do it on any other full moon and still get the same wonderful benefits.
If you try it, I'd love to hear about your experience.

Love and light

Tuesday, 29 July 2014

Why I do what I do

             I was recently asked "Why" I do what I do.  That really got me thinking. Not many people ask me why I do what I do, most people ask me "How" I do most things. Or they ask how I can help them to do the things that they need to do.
The people that know me best realize that I am passionate about good health. I know that my first priority is my personal health, so that is my passion. But "Why"?
I think when I was a little kid stuck in bed at home with chickenpox or the mumps I felt so isolated and confined, which I was. I wasn't allowed to come out of my bedroom unless I had to go to the toilet. I was one of five children. I remember my mother putting socks on our hands so we wouldn't pick our pox!
Being a triple Sagittarius and a free spirited dancer, I think I nearly went insane from the confinement. I love my freedom, and that is something I am passionate about.

When I was older and any time I became ill with a flu I remembered those days as a kid. Being ill confines us, it limits us. It prevents us from doing what we really want to be doing. We can't go to work, it's hard to look after our family and we have to cancel our social life. In those times I often thought about people with serious illnesses, life threatening and long term. I thought about disabled persons and how they cope with these limitations.
   Now I come back to my childhood again, I immigrated from Scotland  with my parents in the early 60's. Generally the Scot's  had a terribly unhealthy diet, but my mother was for her time, pretty health conscious. She didn't keep sweets in the house but always had a big bag of apples and oranges available for us to eat. She didn't keep soda in the fridge, ginger ale was for birthdays and Christmas but there was always lots of milk and of course water.
She gave us cod liver oil in malt every day and she used to buy herself a stash of fresh raw almonds and eat a few everyday. She was always telling us to get outside and play.
My mother was practicing yoga and I became very interested and I'd copy her. As I got older I borrowed her book called "Yoga, Youth and Reincarnation" by Jess Stern and I started to realize that there was much more to yoga than physical exercise. This was the beginning of  "Why" I do what I do.

   I am not my body, my body is a biodegradable vehicle that gets me around while I'm here in this lifetime.
I am not my mind, my mind is just a bundle of thoughts which are wrapped around a feeling of "I" wrongly associated with my body.  Yes I know that is a hard one to swallow, but when you start to study the science of yoga and the vedanta philosophy it all starts to make sense.
My body is the first temple of the creator, I am aware of that and I can not ignore this fact. It gives me a sense of great respect for this creation my body, as well as all else that is part of creation.
So if I can figure out the basics of how this bio vehicle works then I can take better care of it and it will serve me well until it is time to give it up. I will have a better quality of life with limited restrictions. Remember I love to be free, and along with good health comes happiness. Happiness is only present when we are not feeling pain. Unless of course you have reached Nirvikalpa samadhi and are living with  knowing the Absolute Self and then you can override the physical discomfort.
Happiness is what all humans seek. Of course many of us think we are going to find it outside of ourselves and that is what big business is all about. Many people truly believe they are happy with their "Stuff", but would be in agony if they had to give it up.  There is a point to where money and stuff can present us with a temporary "Fix" but it most certainly will not bring us into real and lasting happiness.
        When I was a young adult I started to take a great interest in other systems of natural health and healthing, I discovered that the secret to good health was prevention. You learn this in all eastern philosophies. Even in martial arts, one can be a great fighter, but it is wisest to avoid confrontation and maintain harmony. That is the goal, that is the true secret for a happy life as a human. Harmony, balance, integration of all that makes us what and who we are.
When we  establish a good  balance, we can live in peace and be happy, physically, mentally and spiritually. We can remove restrictions and enjoy all that life has to offer us if we choose.
I often say that most people take better care of their cars than their own bodies. Seriously, it's true.
I was taught through yoga that we start with the body, exercise, breathing and then diet. Then gradually the mind starts to become more clear. We feed the mind with right knowledge, and we start to see things differently, we start to understand what this whole journey is all about. We don't take anything at face value, we ask questions that have to satisfy our intellect, therefore the practice goes deeper than the body. We start to understand who and what we are with unshakable "Knowing".
Balance is the key. Moderation in any aspect of living, whether it is exercise, diet, work or relaxation. Self education is important, not blind following.
I believe in learning how to become responsible for our health, learning preventative measures as well as curative. It can be done one step at a time, we just need to have the desire to know ourselves as a complete human being and to respect that knowledge.
 I'm not discounting the medical field at all, it has it's place in our lives, but it sure would take a load off our healthcare system if more of us made this effort to improve our personal wellness.
It's very liberating to be able to help oneself and to have some control in our lives. There are so many ways in which we can help ourselves.
Good health is a blessing and I feel that it is important to honor that and express gratitude in ways that feel right to us as individuals. We also need a good dose of compassion for ourselves in order to accept our shortcomings and develop self love. This will splash over and outward to others that come into our field of awareness and they will benefit from our examples.
I like to believe that I am setting a good example by living what I teach. I also believe that I am blessed and guided by a force that is greater than my individual mind and personal desires.
I could keep on going here, but I think I've given you a little bit of  "Why" I do what I do.
Big smiley face here!

Yours in Love, Light and Good Health
Brenda Bell

Monday, 14 July 2014


         If you are one of the many who are trying to cut back on eating bread then I suggest that you start focusing on eating cooked whole grains.
 Including a side of whole grain with each meal is a great way to help cut back on bread consumption. Grains are delicious, nutritious, high in fiber and filling, you only need up to 1/2 cup per serving with the rest of your meal to feel full.
It is best to rotate your grains, for example oats at breakfast, millet at lunch and brown rice for dinner.
You could do that for a  few days or a week and then change it up by having quinoa at breakfast, whole buckwheat at lunch and teff for dinner.
By rotating grains on a regular basis you get lots of nutrients and fiber. You won't get bored and you'll start expanding your awareness of eating in new ways and from other cultures.
Whole grains are easy to cook, you can even put them in a small rice cooker and walk away! 
There are so many interesting ways to eat grain. There are many recipes on the internet or in the many new cookbooks available.
I love the taste of plain whole grains and I can often satisfy a sweet craving with a small bowl of short grain brown rice and some soy or almond milk. I often throw a small handful of raw sunflower seeds in there if I'm 
feeling more hungry.
Yes, I know I'm not your average person, having grown up in the days of granola and granny skirts! I have been eating whole and healthy all my life. I realize for many people that this needs to become an acquired taste and texture. But it is very much worth the effort if you want to become more healthy.
I have to honestly say that I don't keep bread at home ( nor sugar)  My gut doesn't seem to like that combination of wheat and yeast. I never eat bread unless it's a sourdough wheat alternative such as whole black rye.
So this grain story works well for me. My father passed away at a young age from heart disease and I never saw him eating anything but white flour, potatoes and meat. He drank instant coffee too!
He was very overweight and sedentary. Hmmmmmmm..............................
Good incentive to eat healthy.

Look at these facts presented by The Whole Grains Council


The benefits of whole grains most documented by repeated studies include:
  • stroke risk reduced 30-36%
  • type 2 diabetes risk reduced 21-30%
  • heart disease risk reduced 25-28%
  • better weight maintenance
Other benefits indicated by recent studies include:
  • reduced risk of asthma
  • healthier carotid arteries
  • reduction of inflammatory disease risk
  • lower risk of colorectal cancer
  • healthier blood pressure levels
  • less gum disease and tooth loss
Please visit the website for lots of good information about grain.

Contact me if you have any questions or want to share ideas or a favorite recipe.

Yours in health and happiness
Brenda Bell

Monday, 30 June 2014

Reiki News

Extended Health Claim Forms Now Available

There are insurance companies within Canada who offer Reiki as a paid benefit in their Extended Health Care package. The Canadian Reiki Association is now providing Reiki therapists with a professionally designed extended health claim form for our clients.
Clients will complete the form with their policy information, and then submit the claim to their provider.  If claims have been rejected, we ask that you continue to submit new forms with all subsequent claims.  Rejected claims will only bring awareness to the Insurance Industry.  It is our intention that this form of awareness will help to shift the Insurance Industry to include Reiki in all Extended Health Care packages.  


Thank you for choosing Reiki as an effective alternative and preventative health option.

Saturday, 28 June 2014

Brenda Bell Wellness: Healthy Summer Smoothies

Brenda Bell Wellness: Healthy Summer Smoothies: Summer is here and sometimes in the afternoon I need a refreshing energy boost or a quick lunch on the go. I often will make a shake with f...

Healthy Summer Smoothies

Summer is here and sometimes in the afternoon I need a refreshing energy boost or a quick lunch on the go.
I often will make a shake with fresh fruits and veggies to drink at home or take with me in a Mason jar in a cooler bag. If it's a lunch on the go, then take a plant protein side with you as well. I say plant because for optimum digestion, you don't want to mix animal protein with fruit and veggies. 
I love fresh juices as well but these smoothies are great because you get the healthy fibre as well as the nutrients and yummy flavour. I use a good quality blender that gets everything smooth and creamy.
I don't add ice while blending but you can add it after and stir to cool the mixture to your liking, use frozen fruit or just refrigerate for a while. These are best consumed the same day of making.
Here are my three favourite recipes. 
Let me know if you like them too.

Creamy Pear
1 pear 
1/2 a med cucumber peeled
1 cup washed spinach
1 tsp maple syrup
1/2 cup water

Melodious Melon
1/4 cantaloupe
1/2 med cucumber
1/2 cup diced watermelon
1/2 cup spinach
1-2 tsp lime juice
1 tsp maple syrup
1/2 cup water

Icey Pineapple
1 cup frozen pineapple
1/2 cup fresh strawberries
1/2  med cucumber 
1 cup spinach
1 tsp maple syrup
1/2 cup water

Wednesday, 28 May 2014

My new addiction

      I love having a bowl of fresh berries and plain thick yogurt, or any fresh fruit peeled and chopped.
It's a great dessert, a quick breakfast or an evening snack.
But when I do my spring detox diet* I cut out any dairy products and this leaves me missing my yogurt.
In the past I had tried all the other dairy free yogurt options but was left unsatisfied for many reasons.
Most of them were sweetened with fruit juice and I don't like sweetened yogurt. I like the natural sweetness of fresh fruit mixed with it. I didn't like the consistency either.
I decided to try cashew cream and now I'm hooked. I can make it myself and as thick or thin as I like.
Here's a simple recipe to try at home

Cashew Cream
1 cup raw cashews  (soak in  hot boiled water 2 hrs.)
1/4 -1/2 cup of  water
1 Tbsp Maple syrup or more if desired
1/2 tsp vanilla - or to taste
pinch of sea salt

Drain the cashews and put everything in a high speed blender. Start with 1/4 cup of water and add more to desired thickness. Remember the more maple syrup you add will make it thinner so balance this with the water ratio.
If you make it sweeter  and substitute water with your favorite milk alternative ( almond, soy, hemp) you can use it as a pudding or a richer creamier topping. Store in the fridge for later use.

If you are using yogurt for intestinal bacterial health and decide to go vegan long term then you will need to find alternatives like miso or supplements.

Raw cashews are nutritious and known for their heart healthy properties, they have a high magnesium content which helps to relax muscles. They are also known for their mood enhancing properties.
Check out all the goodness of cashews yourself and all the interesting ways of using cashew cream in your diet. Let me know what you think.

*Detox  - I use Wild Rose Herbal D-Tox.   100% Canadian made

Sunday, 4 May 2014

What does it mean? "To be Well"

     What does it mean to be well? Do you ever think about that?
 Do you ever wonder how well you could be? Do you even want to be well?
 Perhaps you are already the healthiest person you know!

 The World Health Organization's definition of wellness:
  "Wellness is state of complete physical, mental and social well being and not merely the absence of disease or infirmity"

   What I get from this, is that wellness is to have balance in different areas of what it means to be a human being.
"Everything in moderation" is what we have commonly heard, and I think that is a good start for most people.
As individuals we need to assess our present situation concerning our health and our life in general and make realistic goals.

  Most people think they have one major issue that is keeping them from being balanced and healthy, but if they examine closely they will find that there are many other minor disturbances that are contributing to imbalance.
  Please remember that appearances can be deceiving, but a big honest smile and sparkling eyes are not!
I want to encourage you to believe that you can be healthy and happy and that there are many ways in which you can take control and feel empowered without having to spend a lot of money.

We need to first ask "Do I really want to be healthy?" Then - "Am I ready to make a commitment to myself?"

If the answers are yes, then I suggest a simple exercise for starting to make positive changes towards living a more balanced life which may lead you towards better health and happiness.
Sit down with a notebook and make some observations and start writing down what you see.
 Most importantly be honest with yourself.  Write your list of observations on the left page of the notebook and keep the right page blank. Use a darker shade of ink pen for the left page.

Ask yourself  "What is keeping me from feeling healthy and happy?"
What is the major issue?   Illness?  Weight? Smoking? Relationships? Physical handicaps? Laziness? Depression? Addictions? Lack of motivation? Low self esteem? Personal appearance?
Perhaps something else not listed here.

Then make a list of the minor issues, which could be some of the above, but more importantly I want you to
examine your lifestyle.

Food: What do you eat? Do you eat 3 balanced meals? and snacks? What do they consist of?

Drink:  What do you drink? Coffee, tea, juice, soda pop, water, alcohol? How much do you drink? When?

Medications and supplements: Do you take medications or supplements, make a list.

Exercise: Do you exercise? What type and how often. This can include walking, dancing, sex, your work, a fitness regime, any type of regular physical movement. Or perhaps none?

Sleep:  How much sleep do you get? How well do you sleep? What type of bed do you sleep on?

 Footwear: Examine your footwear, what do you wear on your feet most of your work day?

Clothing: Examine your clothing, is it comfortable? or does it dig into any part of your body? Do you dress appropriately for the seasons?
 Do you dress the way you want to dress? Be realistic here,  I'd love to wear D&G dresses all the time! But I'm asking about colour and a style that expresses who you are and how you wish to be seen.
 For example some people with low self esteem would like to be wearing clothing that is brighter and more fitted but they stick to the dull baggy stuff that feels safe. Some people just wear black all the time, is that you?

Social life: Do you have one? Do you want one? What do you do to socialize?

Family: What is happening with your family life?

Stress: what is happening in your life that makes you feel stressed? Are you currently doing anything about it?

Mentality: How do you feel when you wake up in the morning? Are you over critical? do you worry a lot?
Do you consider yourself to be a happy person?

Love: Do you feel loved? Do you feel appreciated?

Now go back to the top of your list and focus on the right page, opposite your observations.
 Using a different colour ink pen ( I suggest pink, purple, orange, turquoise) write Desired changes:
 Under this heading you will go through all the items on your Observation list and write down how you would like those answers to appear and how you could make the necessary changes.
 Don't feel stumped if you don't feel a change is necessary, or if you don't know how you would make the change. Just leave it blank.

From the Observation list pick one thing that you feel that would be the easiest thing to change right away, make a commitment to it for 2 weeks. It could  be something simple like drinking more water or walking for 30 mins a day. Make a commitment for 2 weeks.

 On another page  you will write the following affirmation and in a separate note book you will write it three times everyday : " I deserve to be healthy and happy. I am making conscious choices towards positive changes. I will succeed."

 The best time to write or recite affirmations is just before you sleep so that it gets embedded into the subconscious mind. You can also start your day with it, you can recite it mentally during the day if you are feeling tempted, weak or overwhelmed.

After 2 weeks date and write down in your notebook on an empty page any positive changes you have experienced and how you feel about it.

Look at your Observation notes and pick another single thing that you could do easily, such as getting to bed an hour earlier. Add this to your previous commitment for another two weeks. Continue the affirmation writing.
Then after that two weeks you take on something else. If you eventually come to some thing which  requires assistance then please look for what is within your means and be realistic with your desired goals. There are many self help books and videos available if you can't afford a coach or therapist.

    Can you see that I am trying to encourage you to develop habits, good habits one small step at a time?
One conscious choice at a time. Don't take on the big stuff until you have achieved control over the small things. This is  a very important step towards self empowerment. Start reading books, magazines or researching on the internet for information related to your desired and much needed changes. This could be activities, support groups,diets, recipes, fashion magazines for ideas  regarding clothing and makeup, articles related to psychology and mental health. Remember you are not alone and there is a lot of information available if you look for it.

If you have extended health plans through work, then use them! Have massages that will relax and detoxify, do you need orthotics for you shoes?( Having comfortable feet can relieve back pain and improve your mood.) What does your benefit plan cover? What are you needs, go back to your list and see what you have not been taking advantage of which may help you achieve your goals.

   We are all unique individuals with different needs, physical and personality types it is important to understand  that there is no "one" way that works for everyone.
There are many different alternative therapies, diets and fitness regimes designed to promote balance and suit different needs..
 Have an open mind, go on an adventure and try what attracts you. Many studios offer free trial classes, take advantage of that, bring a friend if you are shy.  It may take some time but you will eventually find the combination of activities that works for you.
If you eventually try this simple program and if  it has helped you in some small way, I would love to hear back from you!

Your wellness is my business!
Brenda Bell

Copyright Brenda Bell Wellness 2014 - All rights reserved