Happy Spring!
Spring is always a great time to renew our
We are constantly hearing about detox programs for our diet but not many people talk about clearing the
dirty electricity or EMF's out of our system. Electromagnetic Field Emissions.
includes waves from microwave ovens, radio, television, wireless
internet and cell phones. Think about it...it's all around us, we can't
see it but our nervous system can feel it.
It is important to be aware that CFL's (compact fluorescent lamps) create
"Dirty Electricity" increasing EMF's (electromagnetic field
emissions) and UVR (ultraviolet radiation) all of which can compromise the
immune system with over exposure. So if you work in an office or school you need to learn about this.
Health Canada is now warning that more than 3 hours at a time is too much.
If you Google this subject you will find many articles.
I learned this secret
38 yrs ago from Dr. Christopher a renown Canadian herbalist and health
practitioner. He taught techniques to ground out the electromagnetic
emissions and static electricity from
our body before we had internet and cell phones so imagine the load we
are taking on now!
electricity has an irritating effect on the
nervous system which can be the cause of headaches, insomnia, anxiety,
poor memory and mental alertness as well as compromise the immune system
and contribute to other nervous disorders.
I am offering a short information session on this subject with many helpful suggestions for clearing and protecting yourself and your family from these harmful EMF's.
I will provide handouts .
Please see the information below and register in advance by email if you are interested.
Learn what they are and how to minimize their effect on our health.
Mon. May 13th 7:45pm - 9:00pm
Church of the Messiah 240 Avenue Rd @ Dupont
Fee: $20.00 Free parking available
Having regular Reiki sessions is a great way to clear the body of "Dirty Electricity" and if you have been initiated in to the practice of Reiki you should be doing Reiki on your family as well as self Reiki techniques regularly.
To make your Reiki effective you should have your own body cleared first by receiving a session.
I am taking appointments now for Spring Clearing.
LEARN REIKI - IMPROVE YOUR WELL BEING AND THAT OF YOUR FAMILYLearning Reiki is an enlightening experience in ways you may not have imagined.
Every thing is energy, learn how to gain more control of your personal electromagnetic field
for health and success.
REIKI LEVEL ONE - SUN. JUNE 9th 10am - 6pm
REIKI LEVEL TWO - SUN. MAY 26th 10am - 6pm
All Reiki courses are taught in my home in the Bayview and Davisville area. Please contact me for more detailed information and advanced registration. OR see my website